Its been a though week, all assignments need to be completed by next week + my parents are out, leaving me with all the house duties(wash & hang clothes, water plants, feed fishes & dogs, pick up dog's poo, floor cleaning, etc.....), is making me so tired to even do my assignment. Been sleeping around 6++am for these 2 days.....and have to wake up latest by 8.30am to water plants, feed dogs, fish.
From all these difficult times, the best thing is, I've got the whole house to myself!! No one to tell me what time I should be eating lunch, force me to sleep, going out with friends for lunch, dinner, supper, and best of all - the freedom to do anything i like at home, so far just doing assignments le...unlike my usual style of studying in my room, I've been using the living room :
7 Tips untuk Mencegah Kanker Payudara
10 years ago